No. There are different style to hide the bottom frame. We have to talk on case to case basis.
Maximum height varies from series to series
Weight carrying capacity for
Initial torque required is more for heavier glasse s. After it starts moving then it will be easy to move. But in fenestration industry “smoothness” does not have any specific definition.
Only Series 2 and Series 3 can be motorized.
Guarantee for profile is 15 years and for hardware and motor it is 5 years
We have some specific colours which we usually keep in stock. Apart from these colour if any customer wants any specific colour then time of procurement and cost will come into picture.
We have two different products in coating. Powder coating with 10 and 25 years and wood finish with 10years
Slim windows are usually preferred where client needs to enjoy outside environment. Also if they want very minimal sections in between. Selection majorly depends on size, design, specific requirement and budget.